Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

'stumbling blocks' or 'stepping stones' ?

Semalam result 1st semester 2nd year mahasiswa2 fakulti perubatan Universiti Iskandariyah, Mesir baru keluar. like every exam, ada yg gembira, ada yang sedih, ada yang tak kesah, ada yang geram, ada yang bersyukur etc... perasaan saya? 'biarlah rahsia' org kata

Kalau mahasiswa2 perasan la, nilai ntuk minggu ni apa? 'Positive thinking' atau bahasa jawanya 'Optimism'...

cuba kita aplikasikan dalam hidup kita

"Nasib baik C ada 2 je.... nasib baik tak 5!"
"nasib baik 'diorang' mintak 60gnih je setahun, nasib baik tak mintak 90!"
"alhamdulillah, walaupun ada 4 B, yang lain Allah tolong bagi A"

~Positive thinking is our way~

so, nak ucapkan selamat menempuh block baru, block lama jgn x revise langsung pulak. focus on what's important, prioritize, manage time.

Doa + Usaha + Pengurusan masa = Succes.. iA

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

White Matter vs. Gray Matter

Men and Women possess two different types of brains, designed equally for intelligent behavior. Men have approximately 6.5 times as much gray matter as women. Women have almost 10 times as much white matter that men do. Information-processing centers are located in gray matter. The connections or networks among these processing centers are composed of white matter. These differences explain why men tend to excel in tasks involving gray matter local processing - like mathematics - while women excel at integrated and assimilating information from gray matter regions, required for language skills, because of their abundance of connecting white matter.

This physical difference in our brain composition helps explain why we communicate so differently. A woman's brain is busy connecting everything. The more she cares about something, the more she connects it to other things going around in her brain.

For example, when she sees a movie or visits a friend, she may have a lot to say about it. meanwhile a guy may have nothing to say unless the movie happens to hit a particular area of interest. She assumes that he does not want to talk about the movie, but he actually has little to say. With this new insight, she can be assured that he is interested in hearing what she has to say, even though he has little to offer in return. When a women gives up expecting her partner to talk more, not only does he appreciate her willingness to talk, but gradually begins to share more

When men have little to say, women often take it
personally, as if he doesn't want to share.

This same idea applies to asking a man about his day or trip he has taken. When he has little to say, he is not intentionally hiding what happened; he just doesn't think much about it, and as a consequence he doesn't remember much. She looks forward to explaining how everything connects. The process of communicating actually helps her reduce stress, while it has little benefit for him.

*this post is for future reference, once we get a spouse

Friday, April 9, 2010


Pagi tadi acara marathon Karnival Sukan Perubatan Cawangan Iskandariyah (KSPCI) berjalan dengan lancarnya... alhamdulillah I got gold!... insyaAllah 2 more golds are coming up... 800m and 1500m... itupun kalo Alip Acap and other participants kasi... hehe...

'moments of glory'

It reminded of that simple rule in life... "man jadda wajadda, wa man zaro'a hasoda"
"Siapa yang berusaha dia akan berjaya, siapa yang menanam, dialah yang akan menuai hasilnya"
Its that simple... this golden rule is aplicable in all aspects of life... including studies!... you see, nearly all things in life are acquired (obtained after birth) and not congenital (have since birth) ... you have to work for those skills and acheivements... therefore... i have to get off my laptop and start studying... NOW!... huhu... Mid-Term exam is T minus 22 hours!... wish me luck!

Good Luck to y'guys too...
buat apa2 pun, buat yang terbaik... ok?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Usahawan Muda...

1. Air 'Soya Sedap' / 'VanillaSoy'
- Botol 600ml = L.E5.00 (*4.50 jika diberi botol kosong)
- Botol 1.5 L = L.E11.00 (*10 jika diberi botol kosong)
(inclusive of delivery)
- Keep refrigerated
- Shake before consumption

2. Hairdresser and Stylist...
venue = Shatby (atas Rakoda)
time = ikut kesesuaian client/customer
Harga = ditetapkan sendiri oleh customer sendiri, ikhlas...

1) Untuk membuat appointment 'Haircut' atau tempahan 'Air Soya', boleh la memberi bilangan botol yg ingin ditempah dan alamat anda kepada;

maklumat lanjut;
e-mail/ym =
tel. nu. = +20113220351

Saturday, April 3, 2010

don't despair, and never lose hope..

At times we do tend to feel like 'breaking down', 'giving up', 'losing hope'...

itu biasa berlaku... tambah2 time dekat exam... malah ia adalah fitrah manusia itu sendiri... namun... banyak ayat2 Allah yang memberitahu kita jalan keluar... for instance;
Al-Baqarah(2); 45
(these are the few that popped up in my mind... bnyk lagi... yg nak share, you are more than welcome) ( take the time to read the tafsir... ;)

Pertamanya, kita kena bersyukur... atas 'setiap' perasaan yang dikurnia Allah kepada kita. Bukan sahaja perasaan gembira, cinta, suka... tetapi juga duka, sedih, lemah...
Just imagine, life kita ni, happy je, sehat je, lapang je... adakah kita akan berpaling pada Allah?... i doubt so...
Kedua, we must always keep in our mind, and our hearts, that Allah LOVES us, and that He is always close to us... Allah kata apa dalam Quran?
"dan apabila hamba-hamba ku bertanya kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) mengenai aku, maka (jawablah) bahawasanya aku adalah dekat.... ilal aakhir (2; 186) The prophet was also once asked "where is Allah?". Sabdanya (mafhum) "sesungguhnya Allah dekat, sepertimana dekatnya mata hitam dangan mata putih" sambil menunjukkan kepada matanya.
Ketiga, he only wants whats BEST for us, not what we WANT for ourselves... (2; 216)

you see, takut2 kalau kita dapat setiap apa yang kita kehendaki, jadi macam Firaun... kufur, bongkak, sombong... na'uzubillah
Once kita menyedari hakikat ini (Allah loves us, wants whats best for us, and is close to us)
kita akan lebih mudah untuk menerima 'sedikit' dugaan dan cubaan yang diberikan Allah kepada kita...
Biarpun dugaan itu dalam bentuk apa sekali pun... perasaan, kerja, kewangan, kesibukan, masa, atau kesihatan... insyaAllah ada hikmah disebaliknya...
again in surah baqarah
La yukallifUllahu nafsan illa wusa'aha (2;286)... kita boleh handle sebenarnya... kalau kita kata kita tak mampu, maksudnya seolah-olah kita cakap Allah zalim, seolah-olah kita cakap Allah penipu... tak ke gitu? astaghfirullah
Dan Sesungguhnya, jauh sekali Allah besifat begitu... malah Allah bersifat
Ini semuanya sebenarnya tanda Allah masih sayangkan kita... takut2 kalau kita tidak diduga, kita akan makin jauh daripada Allah... Allah sebenarnya nak suruh kita kembali kepadanya..
insyaAllah kheir
Lastly i dedicate this song to you brothers and sisters out there. You guys have probably already heard this song already... but lets sit, and really ponder on the lyrics... baca dengan mata hati, bukan setakat mata kepala

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way x2
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way

Friday, April 2, 2010