Tuesday, April 28, 2009


truth is...
internet = siput
explains the dust on my blog...

Monday, April 27, 2009

berdosa? x berdosa? ????

Macamana nak tahu sesuatu perkara yang kita buat itu berdosa atau tidak?

Apa2 yang kita lakukan,
jika kita berasa malu jika diketahui di khalayak ramai,
boleh jadi ada padanya dosa.

Monday, April 13, 2009

post oh post

looking at my last post... 11/3/09
today's 13/4/09... huu... 'bout a month...

anyway... my results for the 1st semester came out the other day... lets just say they were relative to my effort... here thry are...

Anatomy A
Terminology A
Histology B+
Community Medicine B+
Physiology B+
Biochemistry B
Pharmacology B

as for my pointer... Alexandria University publishes it yearly, and not semesterly, so I'm gonna have to wait for it... I asked a senior how to calculate the pointer... he said 'x payah kira, nt lain dgn yang U keluarkan'.. i was like... 'errr, ok'..

gonna have to double my effort like my dad said for this semester... Lord grant me the strength!...

looking at the 3rd year results... I noticed they had 10 subjects... it reminded me of how tough things are gonna get... cam kat sekolah dulu la... PMR 9 subjek je, SPM jadi 12... at first it's kinda hard, but then adaptation follows... but this of course (adaptation) it is not congenital, it is acquired...

that's all I think... for now...