Thursday, November 19, 2009


Salam alaikum.... Long Time no see...

fuh... it's been like... a month or so since my last update... you see our house doesn't have a telephone line, so the procedure of obtaining an internet connection took slightly longer than usual... yesterday was the much awaited day!... finally got an internet connection... alhamdulillah...
xde la rasa cam 'katak di bawah tempurung' lagi...


kepalakotak said...

(menjerit secara frantik
kemudian pengsan.)


anwar azhari said...


menyambut kembali kehadiran anas.
lampu spotlight menyuluh pada anas. wajahnya tampak lebih cerah ketika menaiki pentas itu.

semua orang gembira.
penonton rasa bersyukur.


Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin said...

haha... sorry was so late in deciphering that post of yours
be strong tept!

Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin said...

yes kepalakotak... i'm back..... i think