Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A New Beginning

so i arrived in egypt a week ago... rasa skejap je cuti...
pejam celik, pejam celik.... dah nak masuk tahun 4 merangkap tahun clinical...
3 years down, 3 more to go...

Allah musta'an (Allah permudahkan)...

it's funny how fast time flies by... so, janganlah membuang pedang sewenang2nya...

... pedang? hehe... biasa org cakap masa itu emas kn?...
tetapi pepatah arab berbunyi, "waktu itu seperti pedang, jika kamu tidak memotongnya, ia akan memotong kamu"...
thus, the above sentence


ok, what i'm gonna write below is totally unrelated...

it's a story about 3 Ministers in a country ruled by a wise and dedicated King...
The King was the type that would not swindle the country's wealth and was well known for being 'berjiwa rakyat' (apa eh in english?)

so one day the King ordered these 3 ministers to each fill a sac (guni) with fruits

The First one filled his sac with the best and finest fruits he could find
The Second couldn't care less, janji buat... ada buah yang masak, ada yg masam, yg da buruk pn ada
The Third filled his sac with hay (rumput kering)

one the day which the King asked for their sacs, the first 2 were shocked to see the thirds sac
"Asal isi rumput kering je? bukan tuanku suruh isi dgn buah ke?"
jawabnya "Alah, tuanku sibuk la... dia xkan check punya... lagipun dia kan percaya dekat kita?"
"ye ye je" answered the first

Raja pun sampai seketika lepas itu...
"Terima Kasih kerana mematuhi arahan beta. Namun sesungguhnya beta amat sibuk sekali dan mempercayai kalian, jadi beta tidak akan periksa isi guni kalian"

Menteri ketiga pn tersenyum dekat menteri pertama dan kedua...

kemudian Raja betitah
"Sekarang kurunglah mereka bertiga dalam penjara dengan guni masing2... jangan diberi makan atau minum... biarlah guni mereka sebagai bekalan"

-the end- (sorry for the rojak btw)

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