Monday, December 29, 2008

Kulli sannah wa anta bikhair

Selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah...

Allah berfirman fi kitab al-Aziz

yang mana mafhumnya, "Sesungguhny ALLAH tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan mereka mengubah nasib mereka sendiri"

so?!, what are we waiting for... NO MORE WAITING!!... we've been doing that for far too long...

"nantila aku start baca"..."aku muda lagi, nantilah aku start beribadah sungguh2"... "nantilah aku qada solat, puasa".... "nantilah aku minta maaf kat dia"... "tunggulah dlu, bertaubat pun, nt buat dosa balik"... "masa muda untuk enjoy beb, live life to the fullest"

REALLY??? do you know when malaikat izrael a.k.a grim reaper, shinigami will come knocking at your throat!... why wait?!...

During my Smart circle (usrah)... we discussed peranan remaja dan belia... actually peranan kita ckup besar... it is at this period actually that we are at our greatest potential.... our body is the fittest, our mind is the sharpest....

you see this curve.... people commonly misinterpret themselves during this period (teenage, youth) and think that their still far from the apex of the curve (their full potential) ...the truth is we're dangerously close!!... but the curve may vary... this is just a rough represention... when we get older, more of our brain cells die, our bodies get weaker etc..

of course i'm talking in general here... we can greatly prolong this peak in our potential by occupying ourselves in mental activity.... studies have shown those who are mentally active, always think, play chess, learn , puzzles, sudoku etc. have very slow rate of brain cell degeneration... (brain cells are irreplacable)

also participate in physical, social activites... sports, aktivi kemasyarakatan etc. Chronic deisease such as heart attack, diabetes etc which have a higher affinity for those with poor physical health... na'uzubillah min zalik...

Zaman dahulu (zaman sahabat khususnya), Umur belasan tahun sudah menjadi Panglima perang, menghafal ratusan ribu hadith, mengarang ribuan kitab, menjadi Sultan/pemerintah yang hebat (Sultan Muammad Al-Fatih) .... (can't remember examples/names of such sahabahs,but i can ensure you there are [anyone who can give names please do so... i'll try lok up the names myself too)

what i'm trying to say here in this post is




i'm not telling you to be the top in class (actually i am), i'm telling you to be the greatest person in the world (actually i am), i'm not telling you to become a totally different person... just become better than yesterday... for you're sake.... if we're not capable of doing anjakan paradigma... just go slowly... little by little... step by step... mm by mm, cm by cm... if today solat asar 15 minutes to maghrib let tomorrow be 20 minutes (chronic cases), kalau solat berjemaah di rumah, pegi masjid pulak... kalu pkai baju ketat2 selama ni, pkai yang kurang ketat sikit pulak mencarut 10 kali sehari make it 9 (chronic too), kalau selama ni solat, puasa, belajar, berkawan kerana selain drpd ALLAH, buat kerana ALLAH pula's okay... these people who are constantly improving theirselves will be engulfed in ALLAH's mercy, guidence, love, help.... insyaalah ........


there are three golongan.... those today better than yesterday, those who are the same as yesterday, and those who are worse (golongan celaka)... na'uzubillah

you're not capable? nonsense... of course you are....

God said, QURAN surah at-tin; 4

"laqad khalqnal insana fi ahsani taqwim" >>> Verily, We created man sebaik2 kejadian


kumtum khairu ummatin ukhrijat linnas, ta'muru bil ma'aruf wa tanhau 'anil mungkar, wa ta'muru billah >>>> kamu sebaik2 umat untuk manusia, mengajak kepada kebaikan, mencegah kemungkaran, dan beriman kepada ALLAH

still wanna wait???


p/s : this is to myself mainly and to you mainly....

anyone who can perbetulkan ayat or hadith please do so, anyone who would like to add to this article, please do so

also, i'd like to take this opportunity to ask forgiveness from y'all... salam ma'al hijrah

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The 7 groups

7 golongan yang selamat di hari akhirat...

1. Pemimpin yang adil.

what?! you're not a leader you say... of course you are... everybody is... paling tidak kepada dirinya sndiri, mulutnya, tangannya... 

2. Pemuda yang membesar dalam ketaatan kepada Tuhan.

Tidak menunggu tua untuk bertaubat dan beribadat..."nantilah", "natilah"

3. Hatinya terikat pada masjid.

it's just as it's written... kita nak berjalan jauh cari makan xde hal... then, time azan... of course its in our capacity to go to the surau or mosque........ for the girls.. it will be those who pray awal waktu dan berjemaah sekiranya mampu... subhanALLAH.... begitu adilnya Tuhan..

4. Lelaki yang diajak berzina, kemudian berkata "Sesungguhnya aku takut pada ALLAH".

and of course that doesn't just 'say' it...

also ALLAH says in the Quran

" Laa Taqrabu Zina " - janganlah kamu mendekati zina

5. Bersedekah dgn tangan kanan, tangan kirinya x tahu.

meaning ikhlas, tidak menunjuk2 etc. lets think of those less fortunate... avoid being self centred

6. Mengingati ALLAH ketika berseorangan.

just as it says... lidahnya/hatinya sentiasa berzikir kepada tuhan.... juga bukti keikhlasan, tidak beramal ntuk tujuan mendapat perhatian sbgnya..... juga tidak mencuri, membuat maksiat ketika tiada orang, kerana yakin ALLAH melihat.....

7. Dua insan yang berkasih2 kerana ALLAH, bertemu dan berpisah kerana Allah.

hubungan sentiasa di atas landasan syarat, dan atas satu tali ikatan yang teguh, yakni AQIDAH ISLAMIYYAH. Di samping itu sentiasa menjalankan 'amar ma'ruf, nahi mungkar'

sekadar renungan bersama....wallahu'alam

apa2 tambahan, comments are more than welcome

Monday, December 22, 2008

Mind Over Matter.... part 2

Salam alaik... 

thanks for you're time... SO,  i take it you've read part 1 (if you haven't please take the time to do so)

this post is going to disscuss another powerful potential of the Mind that many fail to utilize... (The mind as a centre for receiving and sending 'Signals')

let's go over this incidnce

Ada seorang bapa ni. Anaknya di peringkat skolah rendah dan suka bermain basikal. Biasanya, seperti yang dipesannya, dia akan pulang ke rumah sebelum masuknya waktu maghrib. Suatu hari, anaknya lewat pulang ke rumah. Bapa ni hendak memanggil anaknya pulang. takkan dia nak melaungkan nama anaknya, bukannya dia dgr pun. nak mizkol pun x boleh, xde hp lg anak dia. 

So, what he did was, he sat down on the stairs into his house and closed his eyes. He pictured his son playing gleefully on his bicycle. and he said in his mind. "Mat, balik rumah mat, dah nak maghrib dah... kan dlu ayah dah pesan balik sbelum maghrib" he said this just in his mind, without literally saying it.

minutes later, his son return home. "Ada apa ayah?

what happened simply was, his dad sent a 'signal' to come home and then Mat did just that.

Have you ever had a similar experience?, where you wanted to 'ajak' someone to go somewhere. pas2 tetiba dia ajak ko.. actually kita hantar signal kat dia "jom pergi makan"... org tu akan dpt signal tu dan ajak ko makan

tak pun kita 'usha' dan curi2 tgk seseorang kerana cun/kacak... pas2 x lama pas2 tetiba je dia pandang kita... ~segan2~ sebnarnya kita antar signal "pndang la sini, nak tgk muka awak yg cun/kacak tu.... tgk laa sini" x kira la kita curi pandang dari belakang ke, dia akan menoleh... betul x?

That's why sometimes we can get the feeling that were being watched....  we can even gat the feeling that someone hates or likes us.... etc.

X pun ada orang tgh menerangkan sesuatu/ bercerita... pas2 kita ada persoalan... tapi kita segan nak tanya... pas2 tetiba dia menjawab kemusykilan kita tu... Like there was that one time, ada program kat skolah, Ketua Umum bagi briefing kat surau after maghrib, tapi dia x sebut kena pkai baju apa... i kept asking in my head "baju apa?" "baju apa?"... waktu tu dia dah habis terang 'Errr, itu jelah kot... hmmm.... HA!!... (seolah2 baru teringat) ... baju esok, baju batik seluar hitam..' 

In a football/netball match for instance... if we're in the audience, spectating the match, what we say, or even think can highly influence the performance of the players.... If we give them support, "you can do it!!" go! go! go!..... they will perform well. vice versa occurs when we boo or 'drop' them " x reti main ke? " Boo!!!.... betul x??? coz we're sending signal's at that time... like i said, it's regardless whether we say it out aloud or not... even if we don't say a word, but still send the signals (either suppotive or vice versa) it will effect the performance ...tambah2 pulak kalau kita adalah player dlm match tu... audience akan influence cara kita main.. tul tak? bila kita dapat support, tetiba je terasa bertenaga, bersemangat... coz audience antar signal "I've watched you train, you can do better" " i have faith in you" "win this match for us"...  

This is personal experience that happened to me..

It happened when I was in form 1... i was in the biology lab, the 3 front tables were full, so me and my friend ( Firdaus ) sat at the 4th table. only the 2 of us... The teacher had some work to do and said she'd be late.... so to kill time, i told Firdaus about a ceramah i recently heard (it was about this, the power of the mind) ... after i told him, he was sceptical... he wanted to see it... pantang aku dicabar... huhu... xdelah

so, at that time, my friend Suffi Suhaidi was sitting at the front table, nearest to the girls... i told Firdaus that i will make him come and sit besid us... i said to firdaus... "watch" .... i looked at Suffi and said (i did this in my mind, i didn't say a word) "suffi dtg rr blakang ni, dahlah sempit dpn tu, tgk blakang ni luas je, selesa" kbetulan lak time tu, kipas kat dpn lab belah boys rosak "ce tgk atas, kipas dpn dahla rosak, duk rmai2, x panas ke? tgk blakang best je.... sejuk" "asyik duk depan je... try rr duk belakang skali... ala... cikgu bukan ada pun"  before i started sending the signals, he sat normally in his chair. but when i started sending the signals, he started shifting his weight in his chair. he seemed uncomfortable all of a sudden. soon after, he looked up at the fan, then he loosened his tie, started to 'kibas2 baju dia' . orang2 kat tepi dia rileks je. then dia duk pandang2 belakang kat kitorang... beberapa kali gak dia pandang blakang.... then dia kemas bku dia, mcm nak bangun, tapi x bangun, tgk2 blakang lagi........ last2 dia bangun gak, dgn buku2 dia skali dtg meja blakang duk sbelah kitorang kat blakang... he looked at us "kenapa?" ... Firdaus terdiam, terbeliak mata dia.... then aku citer lak kat Suffi... "owh patutlah!!... tu lah aku pelik td... mula2 biasa je, pas2 tetiba je rasa panas... pas2 tgk belakang tetiba terasa cam best je duk belakang.... haha"

Another experience i had (also in form 1) was with my Naqib... it was in the evening, i came back from football, my Naqib was sleeping at that time (he started to sleep b4 asar and hadn't prayed yet)... it was getting late so i wanted to wake him up, tapi takut + segan... what i did was i sent 'signals' to him ... i sat at my bed and pretended to read a book... i said in my mind "abg, bangun la, x solat lagi tu, dah lewat dah ni", "lpas ni nak makan lagi, mandi lagi... bangun la" ....soon after is started sending the signals he started shifting his weight (sebelum tu sedap je tido)... he started scratching here and there... he even actually started to sweat!... after a while, he sat up... "omg, x solat lagi" ... dia terus bangun pergi tandas .... i smiled to myself ...

still sceptical???   try it out yourself.... try this simple test.... look at someone (try someone looking the other way, if you want) and say (in you're mind) "tgk la sini" "wei, look here" "tolong laa tgk sini" .... and see, dia tgk x?....


Sunday, December 14, 2008

mukmin ibarat bangunan

ini post drpd saudara mukmin, Cairo. semoga mendapat manfaat.

Bangunan yang kukuh

Mind over Matter..............Mind Set

This is a true story...

Ada sorang scientist ni. Beliau mempunyai kepakaran dalam bilik sejuk. Basically, it's a refrigerator the size of a room. You've probably seen 1 in the movies where they keep meat hung on hooks or other things that need that kind of temperature... but his was empty by the way... his room was used for experiments....

Well one day he was conducting his routine check-up on his 'room'. With him was his trust-worthy electric thermometer. before he could conduct his check-up, his assistant accidentally closed the door!!

He yelled and shouted to his assistant to open the door. There was only a handle on the outside of the room, it couldn't be opened from the inside. He banged the door as hard as he could, he shouted till the end of his voice but it was all in vain. The room's walls were too thick, heat-proof and sound-proof. The assistant didn' hear a peep. He simply broke down into despair. He knew (since it was his speciality), that a person could only survive in the room for a maximum 3 hours, before freezing to death.

In the dark, he cried, wept, gave up and kept repeating to himself.

"This is how i'm gonna die!", "ThIS is hoW i'M gONna DIE!", "THIS IS HOW I'M GONNA DIEEE!".

without knowing his boss was traped in the 'room', the assistant then closed the lights, locked the lab and went back home.

The following day, as usual, the assistant arrived early at the lab. He opened the lights, and put on his lab coat. When he opened the 'room' he nearly fainted from the shock. He saw the scientist dead! He regained himself, and called the cops. The cops arrived and did an investigation. they sent the scientist to the hospital for an autopsy to be done. When they got the official report from the hospital, they were bewildered.

The report read..........

cause of death : freezing

Why were the cops bewildered? You see, according to the technician on the scene, the 'room' had broken down and was not funtioning !! Furthermore, the electric thermometer's data showed that the temperature in the room was inadequate to cause freezing to death !!

so how come the scientist died?

If you can recall, dia x sempat nak ambik suhu bilik tu, so dia x tahu suhu bilik tu. Then dia teringat kajiannya dulu yang mendapati paling lama 3 jam boleh hidup dlm bilik tu. Lantasan drpd itu, dia pun mengulangi dlm mindanya... "matilah aku" "matilah aku".... Dia terlalu membayangkan dan meyakini dengan bersungguh2 bahawa dirinya akan mati beku.

the result, he DID (mati beku), in spite the fact that the room was not cold.


Believe it? please DO....

another one.... True also....

There was this lecturer of psychology, he called one of his students. The dr brought out a lighter and lit it, producing a flame. He asked his student to put out his arm and keep his eyes shut no matter what. The dr then said "bear with me, this will only hurt a bit". At the last minute, he brought out a piece of ice and brought it to the students finger. "ow! that was hot" was the response he got, and his finger became red! (fingers become pale when cold btw)


penah x kawan2 terluka, tapi x prasan. then bila tgk luka tu, berdarah. baru terasa sakit? that's a simple example.

Another..... If we had a long day, studied the night through then said "Ni besok mesti penat ni, mesti tdo dlm lecture" percayalah, esoknya akan penat dan tertido. But if we are optimistic and say "Agak penat hari ni. tapi xpe, lepas tdo, bangun pagi esok segar la balik. I've had worse days before" we will feel much better. Still in doubt? Try it out!!

Also the way we think about ourselves, greatly influences who we are.... don't say you're dumb, coz you're NOT, .... say you're smart, coz you ARE.


by the way, ALLAH SWT says in The Quran, Surah At-Tin, ayat 4 ;

"Laqad khlaqnal insana fi ahsani taqwim"

"Sesungguhnya kami Telah menciptakan manusia sebaik-baiknya kejadian."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


waa.... penat gila... 2 days 2 nights aku berHoliday di Cairo... 

orang lama mesir kata Mesir ni stands for

mim = Musibah

Sod = Sabar

Ra = Redha

well, to make a long story short, "i lost my phone!"

and i suspect a pick pocket to be the culprit..... i don't really mind 'bout the phone (actually i do) but it's the things IN my phone!!   contacts, pictures, notes, important details, songs... waa... so sad... but every dark cloud has asilver lining....

so guess what they said is true... moreover... 

Qaal Allah fi kitab al-Aziz ;

al-ankabut ;2  Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan (saja) mengatakan: "Kami Telah beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Eid !!!

cute right ?!

Neway. This years Eid Al-Adha for me was in Cairo, can't upload the pictures for some peculiar, unkown reason. (I'm at a friends house rite now).

so I'll postpone my post till i get back to Alexandria.

Semoga kisah pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim dapat kita semat di dalam hati dan praktik daam kehidupan...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pada zaman dahulu ada seorang raja. Di negara jajahan takluk raja tersebut terdapat sebatang sungai yang dipenuhi buaya. Suatu hari, raja mengadakan pertandingan. Siapa yang dapat berenang merentas sungai tersebut akan mendapat salah satu daripada hadiah berikut – Pertama, mendapat wang sebanyak 1 juta ringgit. Yang kedua, dapat berkahwin dengan puteri bongsu baginda, atau yang ketiga, dapat memerintah keseluruhan negara tersebut.

Seluruh rakyat pun berkumpul, tetapi tidak ada seorang pun yang berani berenang di dalam sungai tersebut, lebih-lebih lagi setelah raja tersebut melakukan ‘demo’ dengan meletakkan seekor ayam ke dalam sungai tersebut, dan tidak sampai beberapa saat, hanya bulu-bulu yang berterbangan, sedangkan ayam habis dibaham buaya-buaya yang ganas. Tunggu punya tunggu, tiba-tiba dengan tidak semena-mena air berkocak kuat dan seorang lelaki dilihat berenang dengan laju ke seberang sana sungai sambil buaya-buaya mengejar beliau tanpa berhasil. Sampai ke tebing, raja menemui lelaki tersebut yang sedang tercungap-cungap. “Tahniah, tahniah,” kata raja. “Beta kagum dengan keberanian kamu. Apa hadiah yang kau mahukan dari beta? Hadiah wang 1 juta?” “Ti..ti..tidak”, lelaki tersebut menjawab dalam keadaan masih tercungap-cungap. “ Jadi kau mahu puteri beta?” “Tidak..Ti..Tidak,” jawab lelaki itu lagi. Raja mula kehairanan. “Jadi kau mahu memerintah Negara beta la ni?” “Tidak!” Lelaki tersebut menjawab dengan lebih tegas. Beta dan menteri-menteri berpandangan sesama sendiri sambil menggelengkan kepala. “Jadi apa yang kau mahukan?” raja bertanya sedikit marah. “Aku cuma mahu tahu, siapa yang menolak aku ke dalam sungai!” lelaki tersebut menjawab!

“Begitulah kita,”

kadang-kadang perlu ditolak baru hendak mengejar kejayaan.”

Di sebuah kampung tinggal seorang pemburu yang miskin bersama isterinya. Harta yang dimiliki pemburu tersebut hanyalah sebilah kapak kayu yang buruk. Suatu hari, pemburu tersebut berjalan-jalan di tepi sungai dengan membawa kapak usangnya. Tiba-tiba, kapak tersebut terlepas daripada genggamannya dan kecebur, jatuh ke dalam sungai. Pemburu tua tersebut menangis meratap kehilangan kapak sumber rezkinya. Tiba-tiba, muncul seorang bidadari dari dalam sungai tersebut dan menanyakan perihal pakcik tersebut. Setelah mendengar apa yang berlaku, bidadari tersebut menyelam ke dalam air dan tidak lama kemudian muncul semula dengan sebilah kapak yang diperbuat daripada emas. “Inikah kapak pakcik?” Bidadari bertanya. “Bukan!” jawab pakcik tersebut tanpa berlengah. Bidadari menyelam semula dan muncul pula dengan kapak yang diperbuat daripada perak. “Ini?” tanyanya semula. “Pun bukan!” pemburu menjawab. Kali ketiga, bidadari muncul dengan kapak buruk dan using. “Jadi ini kapak kamu?” “Ya!”ujar pemburu gembira. Bidadari tersenyum. “Disebabkan kamu jujur, saya hadiahkan kamu ketiga-tiga kapak ini,”kata bidadari. Pemburu pun pulang dengan gembira.

Tidak lama selepas peristiwa itu, pemburu berjalan lagi di tepi sungai. Kali ini dia ditemani oleh isterinya yang sudah tua dan nyanyuk. Tiba-tiba, isteri pemburu tergelincir dan jatuh ke dalam sungai! Sekali lagi pemburu menangis dan meratap kehilangan isteri sehidup sematinya, sampailah bidadari tempohari muncul semula. Setelah menceritakan apa yang berlaku, bidadari menyelam dan muncul tidak lama kemudian dengan memimpin seorang wanita secantik Fasha Sanda. Belum sempat bertanya, pemburu telah menjerit, “Ya, inilah isteri saya!!” Wajah bidadari mencuka. “O, pasal kapak boleh jujur, pasal perempuan menipu pula!”

Beginilah orang Islam, harta boleh dikorbankan dan jujur untuk agama tanpa berfikir panjang, tetapi bab wanita dan cinta, macam-macam helah dan alasan,” s

“tapi jangan sangka buruk dengan pakcik tua ni, dengar dulu sampai habis.”

Apa jawapan pakcik tua ni kepada bidadari? Katanya, “Jangan kau marah wahai bidadari yang mulia. Biar aku menjelaskan. Kan ke bertanya tu kunci husnuzzon? Begini, aku takut kalau aku katakan tidak pada wanita yang secantik Fasha Sanda ini, kau akan muncul dengan wanita secantik Erra Fazira pula. Kemudian sekali lagi aku akan berkata tidak dan kau akan menyelam semula dengan menyelamatkan isteriku yang sebenar. Ketika itu baru aku akan berkata ya, ini isteriku, akan tetapi aku takut engkau akan menghadiahkan kepadaku Fasha Sanda dan Erra sekali untuk dibawa pulang atas sebab kejujuranku. Sesungguhnya aku telah tua dan tidak mampu lagi menjaga mereka. Jadi, aku katakana ya awal tadi supaya kau marah dan hanya memulangkan kepadaku isteri tua nyanyukku, kekasih awal dan akhirku,” pemburu menjelaskan dengan panjang lebar dan sebak.

“Begitulah kisah pemburu tua, jadi apa pengajaran kedua yang kita dapat? Jangan cepat menuduh, jangan berprasangka!

sumber :

Panduan Memberi Nama Anak (Jepun)

01. Yang pemarah - KEIJI CACIMAKI

02. Yang suka berjimat - SAYORI SUKAMURA

03. Yang bisu - KIETA TADASORA

04. Yang suka makan nasi - NANACHI KASIBANYA

05. Yang suka layan blues - APO NADIKATO

06. Yang suka belajar - ASHIKO ULANGKAJI

07. Yang kerap bikin kacau - WAKASI HURUHARA

08. Yang sangat kedekut - MATIMATI TAMOKASI

09. Yang suka sangat tidur - ICHIBAN TIDOMATI

10. Yang suka mengintai - HINTAI AKOSUKA


12. Yang kena tinggal bini - SUSAHATI BINILARI

13. Yang suka merempit - SAJA CARIMATI

14. Yang Lembab - AYUMI SIPUTBABI


sumber :
-who got it from -

tagged from TepT

simply put

Here are the rules ;

1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
5. Link the person who tagged you.
6. Leave a comment for each blogger.

No.1 ;


No.2 ;

1. was raised in Glasgow,UK.
2. like BLUE
can solve a 3x3 and 4x4 rubik's cube
4. single (true love comes after marriage) (at-toyyibat li-toyyibin)
5. love anime and japanese songs
6. prefer English over Malay by a slight magnitude (also speak some arabic)
7. not perfect

No.3 ;

1. sometimes mentally wander
2. tend to procrastinate (got to fix that!!!)
3. sometimes say unappropriate things
4. am sometimes pessimistic when i should be optimistic
5. prone to burn-out (loss of will to study)
6. sometimes self-centred (gotta fix that too)

No.4 ;

No.5 ;

?? Help ??

Homeless on the street

"What did you give him money for? Anyone can tell he's just pretending. He'll only spend the money on drugs." How many times has a friend said those words to you when you gave a few coins to a person b

egging on the street?

Chances are that if you are reading this article on the Internet, you probably had breakfast this morning. Chances are that if you are reading it in the evening, you had lunch and dinner, too. Or if you didn't have breakfast, lunch, or dinner today, it might have been your choice. You could have had orange juice for breakfast if you had wanted, followed by either tea or coffee. Before breakfast, you probably got out of a cozy bed where you slept well all night, having watched TV or gone out with friends the evening before.

Imagine things were a bit different (well, actually, a lot different), and at the end of the day yesterday, you didn't go to bed, because you had no bed and no home to go to. Where would you have gone? Can you possibly imagine, just for a moment, if you had nowhere to sleep tonight? What would you do? Where would you go? Worse than that, imagine you had no mobile phone or money in your pocket. Nothing! What would you do?

Many, many young people find themselves in this dilemma every single day. They have nowhere to stay, no money to spend, and nothing to do for the whole day ahead of them. In every big city in the world, just around the corner from those high streets where millions of pounds are spent every day in fancy shops and restaurants, young men and women sit begging on the street. It is one of the most shameful things of our modern age that while many live in comfort, lacking nothing, many more live lives of total despair, not knowing where the next meal will come from or how they can manage to find a place to lay down their heads in safety for the night.

What makes the problem of homelessness even worse is that when people find themselves in such a situation, that is when the trouble really starts. Circumstances lead them to meet characters who are perhaps not the best people to have as friends. Maybe crime or even prostitution are the only ways of getting access to any money. People you thought you could rely on, let you down and steal what little you have. The situation keeps going from bad to worse.

Now, just before we go on, we need to admit that there are causes for this situation. Some people say that young people in this situation don't try hard enough to get jobs or look for adequate shelters offered by the many charities that exist to look after them. Some blame drugs or alcohol. Others say that those young people themselves didn't try hard enough to make it work at home, and they left too hastily. We can come back to all of that. Just for now, though, let's admit that the situation exists. Blaming someone is not going to solve the problem. Many people your age have nowhere to live. That is the fact of it. No fingers to point. No one to blame. Just a fact.

So what are we, as Muslims, to do about this? Do we condemn the homeless to their lives of misery because they have not managed to keep up with the demands of modern life? Maybe a row at home was the cause of the young persons' leaving the family home and setting off to the big city. Maybe there was some kind of abuse at home, either physical or sexual, which led them to leave. Maybe they were just too headstrong to stay in a family where parents were making quite ordinary demands of them. The situation is, of course, very complex. What, though, can we do?

First of all, like our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), we ought to thank Almighty Allah whenever we see someone less fortunate than ourselves, that we have not been given that particular trial in our lives. We need to thank Allah each day for the comforts we enjoy and take for granted. Even though we might, at times, argue with parents, we thank Allah that they are there for us when we need them. We should thank Allah, too, that we really lack for nothing in life. Sure we moan and complain when we don't get quite the right brand that we asked for or when things don't go perfectly according to plan, but we really lack for nothing. As Muslims, we should be ever grateful for the good things we enjoy in life, saying al-hamdu lillah for them.

We need to be proactive, too. In other words, instead of just shaking our heads and saying how terrible it is that there are homeless young people on our streets, we should do something about it. We can look up many of the charities who work in this field. Do they need help? Do we have talents that could be offered? It need not be something big, but could be something as simple as writing a letter to an MP or a short article for a school or college magazine, highlighting the plight of the homeless and suggesting things such as affordable housing as ways out of the problem.

During Ramadan in particular, we turn our thoughts to those who are less fortunate than us. Maybe next Ramadan we could team up with others to offer help to the homeless. We could look for youth outreach programs, which try to give help and support where needed. We could even suggest to mosque leaders that the mosque might get involved in running a soup kitchen or collecting clothes and blankets. Apart from the help this would give where it is needed, it would also show the local community that Muslims care — not just about themselves, but also for any who are in need. It might even make those going to the mosque spare a thought for others too.

Knowledge is power. We can empower ourselves and others by finding out more about this terrible problem. Islamic societies at university might like to get involved to show their student friends what Islam is really about. It is easy to give a talk or hand out a few leaflets. Helping the homeless would really make people sit up and think.

And, next time, when someone asks you on the street to "spare the price of a cup of tea" or to "give any spare change," instead of making moral judgments, perhaps you should simply help. If some of those homeless are not telling the truth and are not really in need, they will have Allah to answer for. If you give some help for Allah's sake, out of a genuine care for someone less well-off than you, then you, too, will be rewarded by Allah for your good intention. In sha' Allah, young Muslims working together can make a difference to the lives of people who have nothing. Even if we can help just one person, we will have indeed made a big difference.

-quoted from idristawfiq -

p/s : here in Egypt, the rate of the poor is pretty high compared to Malaysia. so the sight of a homeless person is quite common. The standard of living here is also quite far back from M'sia.

For Malaysian readers, Malaysia is a really, really, really nice country to live in. appreciate it.

Thanks for the award, manisah

Monday, December 1, 2008

ISLAM mengongkong???

let's contemplate and look into this statement for a second

'ISLAM mengongkong kehidupan seharian dan menyekat kebebasan berfikir'
"ini x boleh makan, ini x boleh buat, aurat kena tutup ......"

inilah hujah yang dilemparkan oleh musuh2 Islam,
malah, mungkin terlintas di hati muslimin sendiri yang masih tercari2 apakah maksud Islam itu sebenarnya.... na'uzubillah min zalik...

KENAPA Allah hantar guru (Rasul) dan guidline (Quran) kepada kita?

ok... let's make an analogy

there's this dad.... he has a little kid.... ayah ini membiarkan anaknya.... ayah ini memberi kebebasan kepada anaknya untuk berfikir sendiri dah bertindak sendiri.... ....... what do YOU think will become of this kid???

jeng3... camtulah makhluk bergelar manusia... sangat jahil dah perlukan kepada tunjuk ajar...
mampukah manusia menyusun kehidupannya sendiri, masyarakat, alam without divine intervention... history has proven that all civilizations built upon foundations created by man has crumbled..., aztecs, babylon, greece, rome... who better than to give advice and guidance than ALLAH ,AL-ALIM, AL-HAKIM...
in fact the only civilization to be standing till today since it's foundation is.... take a guess..... yeah, of course Islam which once covered nearly the entire globe...

another analogy

i have a mercedes benz... rosak.... so i go to a perodua workshop and ask guidance from a mechanic there (who of course works for perodua) and who uses a perodua guidline....

of course laa x jadi... kereta mercedes kenalah hantar kat orang yang buat kereta tu... bukan perodua yg buat... mercedes yang buat.... and then bila dah hantar kat workshop mercedes,
kita kena yakinlaa dengan apa yang dilakukan mechanic mercedes tersebut, walaupun kita x tahu apa sebenarnya yang dia buat, tapi dah bidang dan kepakaran dia... kita pun rela... berserah kepadanya..

kalo nak kait dgn life kita.. camtu la jugak... siapa yang ciptakan kita?
siapa yang paling arif tentang kita?
who's know what's best for us?
who would be best to arrange a way of life for us?
kepada siapa harus dan sebaik-baiknya kita berserah

clear as crystal isn't it??

so jgnlah kita persoalkan ketetapan ALLAH... cubalah ikuti sedaya upaya... dan yakinlah... walaupun tidak nampak, itulah yang terbaik untuk kita...

Firman ALLAH s.w.t

surah Baqarah, ayat 216:

"Diwajibkan atas kamu berperang, padahal berperang itu adalah sesuatu yang kamu benci. boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak Mengetahui."

jadi x perlulah kita ikut PUNK, SKIN, SEKULAR, dan sebagainya
we already have a perfect way of life..... ISLAM

let's ask ourselves, setakat mana islam embedded into our lives?

so it can be inferred that the statement is of course, absolutely, undeniably false..

-muslim that cares-