Monday, December 22, 2008

Mind Over Matter.... part 2

Salam alaik... 

thanks for you're time... SO,  i take it you've read part 1 (if you haven't please take the time to do so)

this post is going to disscuss another powerful potential of the Mind that many fail to utilize... (The mind as a centre for receiving and sending 'Signals')

let's go over this incidnce

Ada seorang bapa ni. Anaknya di peringkat skolah rendah dan suka bermain basikal. Biasanya, seperti yang dipesannya, dia akan pulang ke rumah sebelum masuknya waktu maghrib. Suatu hari, anaknya lewat pulang ke rumah. Bapa ni hendak memanggil anaknya pulang. takkan dia nak melaungkan nama anaknya, bukannya dia dgr pun. nak mizkol pun x boleh, xde hp lg anak dia. 

So, what he did was, he sat down on the stairs into his house and closed his eyes. He pictured his son playing gleefully on his bicycle. and he said in his mind. "Mat, balik rumah mat, dah nak maghrib dah... kan dlu ayah dah pesan balik sbelum maghrib" he said this just in his mind, without literally saying it.

minutes later, his son return home. "Ada apa ayah?

what happened simply was, his dad sent a 'signal' to come home and then Mat did just that.

Have you ever had a similar experience?, where you wanted to 'ajak' someone to go somewhere. pas2 tetiba dia ajak ko.. actually kita hantar signal kat dia "jom pergi makan"... org tu akan dpt signal tu dan ajak ko makan

tak pun kita 'usha' dan curi2 tgk seseorang kerana cun/kacak... pas2 x lama pas2 tetiba je dia pandang kita... ~segan2~ sebnarnya kita antar signal "pndang la sini, nak tgk muka awak yg cun/kacak tu.... tgk laa sini" x kira la kita curi pandang dari belakang ke, dia akan menoleh... betul x?

That's why sometimes we can get the feeling that were being watched....  we can even gat the feeling that someone hates or likes us.... etc.

X pun ada orang tgh menerangkan sesuatu/ bercerita... pas2 kita ada persoalan... tapi kita segan nak tanya... pas2 tetiba dia menjawab kemusykilan kita tu... Like there was that one time, ada program kat skolah, Ketua Umum bagi briefing kat surau after maghrib, tapi dia x sebut kena pkai baju apa... i kept asking in my head "baju apa?" "baju apa?"... waktu tu dia dah habis terang 'Errr, itu jelah kot... hmmm.... HA!!... (seolah2 baru teringat) ... baju esok, baju batik seluar hitam..' 

In a football/netball match for instance... if we're in the audience, spectating the match, what we say, or even think can highly influence the performance of the players.... If we give them support, "you can do it!!" go! go! go!..... they will perform well. vice versa occurs when we boo or 'drop' them " x reti main ke? " Boo!!!.... betul x??? coz we're sending signal's at that time... like i said, it's regardless whether we say it out aloud or not... even if we don't say a word, but still send the signals (either suppotive or vice versa) it will effect the performance ...tambah2 pulak kalau kita adalah player dlm match tu... audience akan influence cara kita main.. tul tak? bila kita dapat support, tetiba je terasa bertenaga, bersemangat... coz audience antar signal "I've watched you train, you can do better" " i have faith in you" "win this match for us"...  

This is personal experience that happened to me..

It happened when I was in form 1... i was in the biology lab, the 3 front tables were full, so me and my friend ( Firdaus ) sat at the 4th table. only the 2 of us... The teacher had some work to do and said she'd be late.... so to kill time, i told Firdaus about a ceramah i recently heard (it was about this, the power of the mind) ... after i told him, he was sceptical... he wanted to see it... pantang aku dicabar... huhu... xdelah

so, at that time, my friend Suffi Suhaidi was sitting at the front table, nearest to the girls... i told Firdaus that i will make him come and sit besid us... i said to firdaus... "watch" .... i looked at Suffi and said (i did this in my mind, i didn't say a word) "suffi dtg rr blakang ni, dahlah sempit dpn tu, tgk blakang ni luas je, selesa" kbetulan lak time tu, kipas kat dpn lab belah boys rosak "ce tgk atas, kipas dpn dahla rosak, duk rmai2, x panas ke? tgk blakang best je.... sejuk" "asyik duk depan je... try rr duk belakang skali... ala... cikgu bukan ada pun"  before i started sending the signals, he sat normally in his chair. but when i started sending the signals, he started shifting his weight in his chair. he seemed uncomfortable all of a sudden. soon after, he looked up at the fan, then he loosened his tie, started to 'kibas2 baju dia' . orang2 kat tepi dia rileks je. then dia duk pandang2 belakang kat kitorang... beberapa kali gak dia pandang blakang.... then dia kemas bku dia, mcm nak bangun, tapi x bangun, tgk2 blakang lagi........ last2 dia bangun gak, dgn buku2 dia skali dtg meja blakang duk sbelah kitorang kat blakang... he looked at us "kenapa?" ... Firdaus terdiam, terbeliak mata dia.... then aku citer lak kat Suffi... "owh patutlah!!... tu lah aku pelik td... mula2 biasa je, pas2 tetiba je rasa panas... pas2 tgk belakang tetiba terasa cam best je duk belakang.... haha"

Another experience i had (also in form 1) was with my Naqib... it was in the evening, i came back from football, my Naqib was sleeping at that time (he started to sleep b4 asar and hadn't prayed yet)... it was getting late so i wanted to wake him up, tapi takut + segan... what i did was i sent 'signals' to him ... i sat at my bed and pretended to read a book... i said in my mind "abg, bangun la, x solat lagi tu, dah lewat dah ni", "lpas ni nak makan lagi, mandi lagi... bangun la" ....soon after is started sending the signals he started shifting his weight (sebelum tu sedap je tido)... he started scratching here and there... he even actually started to sweat!... after a while, he sat up... "omg, x solat lagi" ... dia terus bangun pergi tandas .... i smiled to myself ...

still sceptical???   try it out yourself.... try this simple test.... look at someone (try someone looking the other way, if you want) and say (in you're mind) "tgk la sini" "wei, look here" "tolong laa tgk sini" .... and see, dia tgk x?....



anwar azhari said...


real great power of the mind.

i actually use this stuff 2 talk 2 ma parents.

usually i think of them and said stuff by midnight. (cuz its ba'da subuh at msia)

dh bnyak kali dh ak wat mnda nih..

kdg2 dpt dgr mcm ada suara mak ayah ak ckp2 dlm keter (balik dr masjid kot)


AIsyAmIrA said...

is it 4 real anwar??
mm,me myself cm kurg prcye loh mende ni...
tp wtever it is ALLAH itu Maha Berkuasa n mampu memungkinkn sesuatu yg mustahil atau x dpt dterima akal...
cm ni bleyh r jimat duet x yah call parents gne MIND POWER je...
im juz jokin!!!

Anonymous said...

kena cuba nih...heheee...
maybe x realize this thing penah jadi or penah wat kan...

Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin said...

really tept? interesting...

i've tried it... it works..

i at first was sceptical too..
then i tried it out... cool!

try it out aisyah and keymah...

tapi syarat dia kena yakin laa...

it also works long distances (not sure how far exactly)(i was still in malaysia that time). like there was that one time... i thought of calling someone... tetiba dia call... tanya kenapa?... "ntah, xde apa2... saje je."

wallahu 'alam

i'd like any fedbacks from anyone who's tried it..

Anonymous said...

yakin & percaya,,doa agar allah smpikan pesanan ini..dan.......akhirnya!! jadi!! SUBHANALLAH!!

it's a telepathy rite?

dpt link dr ustaz rahman D.
salam ziarah..

Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin said...

you've tried it??

i'd say its true...

Anonymous said...

tried?? of c!! and i believe of tht~~ it really happened to many people aspecially hostel-students as their parents could send or receive messages by ths telepathy..

missing ur overseas friend? then wth ths telepathy, they will call u even u didn't ask them to call!!

~~dignity of God~~

am i rite? fuhh~~
kawe kechek bahaso inggerih

Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin said...

heba mung kecek bahaso inggerih...

sama2 lah kita menjaga iman dan amal masing2.....