Monday, January 5, 2009

There is this thief... he steals stuff... one day he went stealing... while doing so, he met another thief... he was also stealing stuff... he says to the other thief... "you take that and that"... "i'll take this and this"...
they got away... and never met each other again..

simple story....

the 1st thief should of at least told the second thief that stealing is wrong... shouldn't he?

it has been stressed many times in the Quran by THE ALMIGHTY, and in the hadiths by THE PROPHET

"ta'mur bilma'aruf wa tanhau 'anil mungkar" >>>> ajaklah kepada kebaikan dan tegahlah kemungkaran.
it is the responsibility of each and every one of US, since the moment we were brought into this world as khalifah...

so the thief just now, got 2 sins i.e number one = stealing.... number 2 = tidak menegur si pencuri kedua yang tengah mencuri (wajib menegur kemungkaran)... kalau dia tegur pencuri kedua... dia balik dengan membawa 1 dosa je i.e mencuri...

what i'm trying to say here is... don't say "alah, siapalah aku nak tegur orang" if we keep that kind of mentality, our ummah will never rise up... it's not a question of if kita layak atau tidak untuk menegur, persoalannya, bukankah memang kwajiban kita?

you see... ISLAM penuh hikmah... kalau kita tegur orang... mesti lah kita rasa segan paling tidak kepada diri sendiri kalau kita sendiri buat perkara yang kita tegur tu... so it is as a motivation to ourselves to become a better person (publisher take note here!!!)... Subhanallah...

“Patutkah kamu menyuruh manusia supaya berbuat kebaikan sedang kamu lupa akan diri kamu sendiri; padahal kamu semua membaca Kitab Allah, tidakkah kamu berakal?” (Al-Baqarah: 44)..

you see? how beautiful the way of life brought to us by ALLAH is (ISLAM)

WAIT there's more... Islam dosn' just tell us to 'do this' and 'do that'.... islam tells us HOW to do it..
in this case... dlm menegur orang... how is it done??...

'please tegur kalo clap, this is as i remember it'
sabda Nabi ; "waman raa minkum mungkaran, falyughairuhu biyadihi, faillam yastati' fabilisanih, faillam yastati' fabiqalbihi wazalika ad'afuliman"
>>>>>>barangsiapa di kalangan kamu yang melihat kemungkaran, hendaklah kamu mencegahnya dgn tangan, sekiranya tidak mampu, hendaklah kamu menegahnya dengan percakapan, sekiranya tidak mampu hendaklah kamu mencegahnya dengan hati, dan itulah selemah-lemah iman...

tangan means authority that we have... percakapan is just as it's written and what is meant by hati is that we hate perbuatan mungkar itu, dan mendoakan hidayah kepada si pelaku kemungakran itu... subhanallah
also, the hadith ends with 'dan itulah selemah-lemah iman'... so what does that mean? think 'bout it...



Anonymous said...

i think u better check the dictionary about your spelling for 'pencuri'
if i'm wrong please tell me..

belajarlah bhs asing agr kmu x ditipu
(riwyt x djumpa dlm memori ak..sori)

Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin said...

huhu... thanks!!