Selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah...
Allah berfirman fi kitab al-Aziz
yang mana mafhumnya, "Sesungguhny ALLAH tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan mereka mengubah nasib mereka sendiri"
so?!, what are we waiting for... NO MORE WAITING!!... we've been doing that for far too long...
"nantila aku start baca"..."aku muda lagi, nantilah aku start beribadah sungguh2"... "nantilah aku qada solat, puasa".... "nantilah aku minta maaf kat dia"... "tunggulah dlu, bertaubat pun, nt buat dosa balik"... "masa muda untuk enjoy beb, live life to the fullest"
REALLY??? do you know when malaikat izrael a.k.a grim reaper, shinigami will come knocking at your throat!... why wait?!...
During my Smart circle (usrah)... we discussed peranan remaja dan belia... actually peranan kita ckup besar... it is at this period actually that we are at our greatest potential.... our body is the fittest, our mind is the sharpest....
you see this curve.... people commonly misinterpret themselves during this period (teenage, youth) and think that their still far from the apex of the curve (their full potential) ...the truth is we're dangerously close!!... but the curve may vary... this is just a rough represention... when we get older, more of our brain cells die, our bodies get weaker etc..
of course i'm talking in general here... we can greatly prolong this peak in our potential by occupying ourselves in mental activity.... studies have shown those who are mentally active, always think, play chess, learn , puzzles, sudoku etc. have very slow rate of brain cell degeneration... (brain cells are irreplacable)
also participate in physical, social activites... sports, aktivi kemasyarakatan etc. Chronic deisease such as heart attack, diabetes etc which have a higher affinity for those with poor physical health... na'uzubillah min zalik...
Zaman dahulu (zaman sahabat khususnya), Umur belasan tahun sudah menjadi Panglima perang, menghafal ratusan ribu hadith, mengarang ribuan kitab, menjadi Sultan/pemerintah yang hebat (Sultan Muammad Al-Fatih) .... (can't remember examples/names of such sahabahs,but i can ensure you there are [anyone who can give names please do so... i'll try lok up the names myself too)
what i'm trying to say here in this post is
i'm not telling you to be the top in class (actually i am), i'm telling you to be the greatest person in the world (actually i am), i'm not telling you to become a totally different person... just become better than yesterday... for you're sake.... if we're not capable of doing anjakan paradigma... just go slowly... little by little... step by step... mm by mm, cm by cm... if today solat asar 15 minutes to maghrib let tomorrow be 20 minutes (chronic cases), kalau solat berjemaah di rumah, pegi masjid pulak... kalu pkai baju ketat2 selama ni, pkai yang kurang ketat sikit pulak mencarut 10 kali sehari make it 9 (chronic too), kalau selama ni solat, puasa, belajar, berkawan kerana selain drpd ALLAH, buat kerana ALLAH pula's okay... these people who are constantly improving theirselves will be engulfed in ALLAH's mercy, guidence, love, help.... insyaalah ........
there are three golongan.... those today better than yesterday, those who are the same as yesterday, and those who are worse (golongan celaka)... na'uzubillah
you're not capable? nonsense... of course you are....
God said, QURAN surah at-tin; 4
"laqad khalqnal insana fi ahsani taqwim" >>> Verily, We created man sebaik2 kejadian
kumtum khairu ummatin ukhrijat linnas, ta'muru bil ma'aruf wa tanhau 'anil mungkar, wa ta'muru billah >>>> kamu sebaik2 umat untuk manusia, mengajak kepada kebaikan, mencegah kemungkaran, dan beriman kepada ALLAH
still wanna wait???
p/s : this is to myself mainly and to you mainly....
anyone who can perbetulkan ayat or hadith please do so, anyone who would like to add to this article, please do so
also, i'd like to take this opportunity to ask forgiveness from y'all... salam ma'al hijrah