Sunday, June 21, 2009


Truth is, since 9 days ago... ada blackout, lepas ada letrik balik hari tu, bnyak appliances rosak.. tv, charger etc. router ntuk internet was one of the victims... pagi semalam baru repair and dapat online....

so far....

semalam ada buat gathering/dinner/reunion (whatever you prefer to call it) of dak2 persediaan UKM... ni pun baru abis kemas2, meng'habis'kan makanan2... huhu... penat!.... I'd say it was a blast!... tahniah semua coz menjayakan majlis ni.. (pictures and a descriptive later)... one of my jobs was to handle aktiviti/permainan pada malam tu ....(sorry kalo ada kekurangan/kontroversi! ....xde niat buruk pun) also it was my first time participating in a musical!... haha... time practice ok je... time kat dePaN ...............................hmmm, tapi org x prasan kot....

you see that's the thing about nervousness, in most cases it's only prominent to yourself, like when you need to give a speech... the audience doesn't feel your nervousness... only you feel it... so don't think too much 'bout it... you might feel like '!@#%^!@%!!', but that isn't so for you audience... don't fight it, WELCOME it! ... it's actually a system that helped our ancestors survived once upon a time, namely the 'fight or flight syndrome'... if you welcome nerves, the Speech becomes a challenge and you become better. If you let your nerves take over, then you go into the flight mode by withdrawing from thr audience.

lagi.... ermm....
14 days left till my FINALS!! ....hal ana musta'id? (am I ready?) ... for me to know, for you to discover... eheh... wish me luck!...

speaking of which.. there's this peculiar tendency of students, that when the exams are near, their tendency of seeking GOD increases.... it's true!... those yg duk asrama.. time2 dekat exam... penuh je surau tu... mahasiswa2 lak, sama je... time2 nak exam, kurang lepak2 nya, rajin baca quran etc. ... well i just hope (myself especially) that this tendency is maintained even after the exams...

1 lagi (ngat nak tulis post pndek je, xpelah)... i wonder how many of you can answer (x aci tgk kat tepi) berapa jamadil akhir hari ini?.... alhamdulillah, ada juga yg amik berat... today 27th Jamadil Akhir... just for ur info... Jamadil Akhir has 28 days... yup... meaning 2 more days and it will be REJAB, then SYA'BAN, then RAMADHAN!.... yes... the holy month of Ramadhan....
hakikatnya... bulan Rejab and Sya'ban ni merupakan persediaan ntuk ketibaan Ramadhan... pendek kata, start bulan rejab kita dah start tingkatkan amalan kita, kurangkan perkara2 lagha etc... baru lah Ramadhan kita benar2 bermakna...

sape2 rasa nak share tentang bulan Rejab, Sya'ban and Ramadhan, feel free to leave a comment, my eyes are denying me any more time in front of my laptop at the moment... x tido lagi dari semlam, mungkin insomnia, mungkin bersalah, mungkin kenyang... hmm...
tapi sbelum tu kena baca mathurat dulu... dah sepakat ngan Naqib ntuk letak mathurat as wajib dlm 'mutab'ah amal'.. cuba la buat mutaba'ah amal sendiri, cari benda yg kita boleh istiqamah dgnnya

roger and out!


Meru said...

anas jahat..anas jahat..

Nadhirah Ahmad said...

anas baik anak baik..

dah mcpai equilibrium

Anonymous said...

yeah! d gathering was a blast!
bez sgt2!thnx a lot kowunk sumer!

oh oh plus,thnx for reminding dat rejab is coming soon..

Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin said...

thanks nadhirah!... eheh... yup... don't let another ramadhan go to waste... make sure to make enough preparations (rejab and Sya'ban) for this much awaited guest's arrival...