Friday, February 27, 2009


From Wikipedia :
is an English word in the song with the same title in the musical film Mary Poppins.. The song was sung by Julie Andrews and Dick va Dyke..

I used to watch it when i was a little kid...
There are many other songs in the movie, but this is my favourite by far...
not to mention probably the most famous one...


It's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Even though the sound of it Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious


Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay

Because I was afraid to speak
When I was just a lad My father gave me nose a tweak And told me I was bad
But then one day I learned a word That saved me aching nose
The biggest word I ever heard And this is how it goes:

Oh, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious

Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay

He travelled all around the world And everywhere he went
He'd use his word and all would say "There goes a clever gent"
When Dukes and Maharajas Pass the day of time with me
I say me Special word and then they ask me out to tea!

Oh, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious

Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay

'you know you can say it backwards which is
but that's going a bit too far don't you think?

So when the cat has got your tongue
There's no need for dismay
Just summon up this word And then you've got a lot to say
But better use it carefully Or it could change your life
One night I said it to me girl
And now me girl's my wife!

She's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Don't know how the song goes?

credits to intanmaisarah

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Gundam 1/100 Scale Model (Master Grade):
RX-0 Unicorn Gundam Ka Version (Bandai

sori gambar hp je... x beli camera lagi time ni...

I bought this One after I 'graduated' from UKM...
It was one of the items on my to-do-before-leaving-Malaysia list...
Assembly was kind of a hustle, even cut my finger...
but it was really cool... you know watching just a mishmash of parts
gradually taking shape into a really cool GUNDAM...
by your own hands! best gila time pasang i tell you...
This one even can even transform... well, sort of...
although changing between the two modes can be a pain...
But in the end, The satisfaction brought by completing it...
pergh... priceless.....


here's a few pictures depicting the two modes that i googled...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

tunggu habis buffer baru tgk....

"Are you going to finish strong?"

i knew 'bout this video from my friends... glad i did...
i mean......... *speechless*.........
just watch it... you'll know what i mean

" YA ALLAH, jadikan lah aku hamba-MU yang bersyukur! "

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not To Worry...

Pada pukul 6.50 petang waktu mesir hari Ahad (22 Feb 2008) berlaku pengeboman di dataran hussein. Dua bom tangan dicampakkan dari tingkat empat sebuah hotel ke dataran husein di hadapan masjid Hussain menurut saksi.

-mengakibat seorang warga wanita perancis mati dan 20 orang cedera. Mangsa cedera adalah 13 warga prancis, 3 warga jerman dan 4 orang mesir termasuk anggota keselamatan dan kanak-kanak.

- Dua bom yang dicampakkan dan hanya satu yang meletup. Bom yang berupa tin besi dan dibungkus dengan tangan yang mengandungi bahan TNT, batu dan pasir. Ia adalah buatan tempatan.

-bom yang tidak meletup jaraknya dengan yang meletup adalah 3 meter menurut saksi. Ia telah dimatikan fungsinya dengan plastik2 berisi pasir.

- pihak keselamatan mesir menyatakan bahawa bom diletakkan dibawah kerusi batu berhampiran restoren diluar hotel husein.

- pihak keselematan telah mengepung hotel-hotel dan rest
aurant yang berhampiran untuk mengenal pasti penjenayah yang terlibat sebaik sahaja pengeboman ini berlaku. Mereka telah menegah masuk atau keluar dari kawasan tersebut. Anjing2 polis juga digunakan untuk memeriksa kawasan kejadian.

- pelancong yang berada disitu dibawa dari situ dengan sepuluh biji bas dengan kawalan ketat.

-mangsa yang cedera dibawa ke hospital universiti Hus
ein, hospital antarabangsa mesir, hospital kaherah Fatimiah dan Ma’had Nasir.

-Satu yang kritikal kerana serpihan2 telah masuk ke peparunya. Adapun yang lain dilaporkan stabil.

- Syeikhul Azhar telah menyelar pengeboman ini dan menyifatkan sebagai jenayah yang pengecut dan ditolak agama Islam.

- 3 orang telah ditangkap kerana disyaki terlibat dgn pengeboman ini.

Rujukan: al-Jumhuriah (akhbar mesir) dan al-Jazeera (web). p/s: This incident was in Cairo... guess death is much nearer than we thought... but, not to worry. Cairo is like 2 hours from Alexandria... i think it's quite safe here... but always, 'safety 1st'

This is a scene from the scene (b4 the bombing)

"bismillahillazi laa yadhurru ma'asmihi syaiun filardhi wala fissama'i wa huassami'ul 'alim"

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Brainstorm >> 7


You just learnt the art of making the most perfect Boiled Egg...
'boiling it for exactly 15 minutes'

your clock ran out of battery,
you left your watch at sleepover,
and your phone got stolen (poor you..)

all you have are two sand-clocksa 7-minute one,
and another 11-minute one...

how can you use them both
to boil your egg for exactly 15 minutes?

Friday, February 20, 2009


When I just bought my external Hard Disk (Maxtor One Touch 250GB), as anyone who bought their 1st external would , i got all 'teruja' and started collecting cool stuff from my freinds, Movies, Songs, Articles , you get the picture... one folder was named nasyid... it was from Ammar... the size was 5.73 GB!... extremely large for songs... when i opened it, i found out why... mmg bnyk gila 'nasyid's inside... nama2 band x penah dgr pun ada... English, Malay... back then, still xde feel dekat nasyid... xpe lah, ambik jela.. nt bila2 aku dgr rr... so i just left it be... till another day...

So it stay dormant in my hard drive... until the day before yesterday... ntah, tetiba tergerak hati nak dengar nasyid lak... I emptied my playlist, and loaded it with all the songs from the folder... best pulak!... knapa aku x dgr nasyid selama ni!.... huhu... listening to nasyid leaves you feeling, ntah lah... how d'you say it.... Tranquil , Serene... benarlah Qal ALLAHu Ta'ala fi kitab al-Aziz

'.....ala bizikrILLAH tatmainnalQulub"
'.....dgn mengingati ALLAH, tenanglah hati'
-ar-ro'du, 28-

Bila buat comparison, listening to contemporary songs, it leaves you feeling empty inside... waktu dgr tu mmg layan, but mcm xde apa... opposed to hearing nasyid, the many messages, tersurat tersirat yang nak disampaikan, terusik hati kecil saya....

We all know we're composed of several components i.e Physical, Spiritual, Mental... they all needs maintenance, and sustenance....
Physically, food (balanced btw) for sustenance, excercise (futsal, netball, jogging etc) for maintanence
Spiritually, tazkirah (all forms, advice from friends, nasyid, ) for sustenance, amal (zikir, Quran, solat etc.) for maintenance
Mentally, ilmu (baik duniawi/ukhrawi) for sustenance, thinking
(sudoku/chess/ my brainstorms...hehe etc.) for maintenance
>setiap satu di atas punyai haknya, tunaikanlah haknya... jgn lah kita menjadi zalim kepada badan dengan depriving it from food... apa kurangnya hati, jgn zalim kpadanya.... Fikiran, jgn zalim kepadanya! .....

talking about 'hak' here's a few simple analogies...
1>A labourer, who has worked his but off, when pay day arrives, he deserves his salary right? it's his right!... tidakkah zalim untuk tidak memberikannya kepadanya?
2>A single mother, who raised, fed, diaper-changed, taught, and cared for her baby... when the baby grows up... tidakkah Zalim kalau tidak membalas budi walau sedikit?... I mean, if it wasn't for mother, he'd be a nobody (literally)
3>God, who created the world in which Adam was to live, who would procreate and bring about our parents, who would bring about us... and when we came to existence, gave us air, food, health, sight, hearing....etc. (nikmat ALLAH tidak terkira).... tidak Zalimkah kita, tidak bersyukur sedikitpun di atas kurnianya itu serta tidak menuruti perintahnya. Apatah lagi membuat maksiat dan kemungkaran? Even worse, denying his Existance! (na'uzubillah min zalik)

saya CABAR DIRI SAYA DAN JUGA ANDA supaya tidak berlaku zalim, baik kepada ALLAH, diri, rakan, keluarga.... tunaikanlah hak setiap daripada mereka...
Go2 Caiyo, Ganbate kudasai, ijtihad wala taksal, Yallah, apa lagi bubuh....

wah, jauh gak menyimpang, back to what i was talking about, still haven't finished the folder yet... still progressing... now i see what the fuss is about, a few of my friends dulu fanatic gila 'bout nasyid... now i know why....

my few of my favourites so far...
Sami yusuf, Outlandish, native deen... inTeam, Hijjaz, UNIC, Raihan tu xyah sebut rr...

there was this song that i found very catchy
Pizza in his pocket - Zain Bhikha

Thursday, February 19, 2009

down? should we?

ok! I've learnt my lesson!

this morning was my 4th paper.... Pharmacology...
normally what i do is I master every lecture, by lecture... menjelang exam baru revise balik dan menghafal fakta2... however... ntah...

long story short.... i didn't perform that well in my pharmacology exam this morning...
exam tadi agak banyak la soalan yang pasti-x pasti...
bnyk confuse waktu jawab........
inadequate preparation i have concluded as the source...ntah la... salah sendiri... bertangguh-tangguh, anime! (seriously, I finished 2 whole series!)... .....teruk..... malam tu terpaksa stay up nak cover....... "alamak, bnyk la pulak" timbul la perasaan 'cuak' ntuk exam (that's not a good thing btw)... exams should be entered with confidence.... .

Pastu Pharmacology ada 3 paper... paper last 30 minutes... satu sheet i answered cam biasa... pas2 pengawas cakap... you have 5 minutes left!... so i checked my answer sheet, turn it around... omg! kat belakang pun printed... ingatkan depan je printed tadi!... kelam kabut menjawab... huhu... dah habis masa pun menjawab lagi... soklan last hentam...

lesson learnt.... period

So bila habis exam tu aku 'down' gila /o_O\tidak!.... mad at myself... thoughts like 'lulus pun jadi la' went through my head... memang rasa 'down' lah... balik, solat Zohor then terus tido coz 'down'+ngantok.... when i woke up, changed my ym status message > down.........
wah!.. terharu..... ramai yang bagi semangat balik... Fadilah, Farhana, Aisyah, Abdul Rahman, Farhana, Ada and ramai lagi (mane pergi the guys?) Thanks y'all! lifted my spirit. was happy there are people concerned out there, walaupun diri ini bnyk kelemahan....
They 'woke me up', kita dah usaha, tinggal ntuk kita bertawakal. dan juga berdoa. I mean, astaghfirullah... habis exam tu terus 'kenapa?' 'WTF!' etc.... had forgotten about all of that... ikut perasaan... astaghfirullah...
Itulah kawan right? remind us when we forget (we tend to a lot)...
*(WTF = What the Fish!)


I'd say no to that... kita usaha setakat mampu, then tawakal... have faith... kan?... no use sulking on the past... not like you can go back and fix it... what's done is done... ambik yang baik.. yang buruk buang jauh2... be more optimistic...

tambahan :
some subjects need understanding, some need memorzation... some need both... that's where my flaw was... If you ask me 'how' questions 'bout Pharmacology, i'm sure i could answer... but ask 'what' questions, i'd have to refer....
and in exams, "boleh" refer.....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Brainstorm >> 6

What is the total value of the coloured boxes in fourth column?

MUST read !

Pagi itu pagi minggu. Cuaca cukup sejuk sehingga mencapai takat suhu beku. Sebab itu saya tidak mandi pagi sebab air kolah jadi air batu dan air paip tidak mahu keluar sebab beku di dalam batang paip. Pagi itu saya bersarapan dengan keluarga di dalam unggun api kerana tidak tahan sejuk. Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya menemaninya ke pasar. Tetapi saya tidak mahu.

Selepas emak menikam perut saya berkali-kali dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju untuk mengikutnya. Kami berjalan sejauh 120 kilometer kerana pasar itu letaknya 128 kilometer dari rumah. Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampai pasar saya ternampak sebuah lori kontena meluru dengan laju dari arah belakang.

Dia melanggar emak saya. Emak saya tercampak ke dalam gaung. Dia menjerit “Adoi!”. Lepas itu emak saya naik semula dan mengejar lori tersebut. Saya pun turut berlari di belakang emak saya kerana takut emak saya melanggar lori itu pula. Pemandu lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Dia pun memecut lebih laju iaitu sama dengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pula terpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju iaitu sama dengan dua kali ganda kelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat menerajang tayar depan lori itu. Lori itu terbabas dan melanggar pembahagi jalan lalu bertembung dengan sebuah feri. Feri itu terbelah dua.

Penumpang feri itu yang seramai 100 orang semuanya mati. Pemandu feri itu sangat marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi Ultraman dan memfire pemandu lori. Pemandu lori menekan butang khas di dalam lori dia..lori itu bertukar menjadi robot Transformer. Mereka bergaduh di udara. Emak saya tidak puas hati. Dia! pun terus menyewa sebuah helikopter di Genting Highlands dan terus ke tempat kemalangan.. Dia melanggar pemandu feri yang telah bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu.

Pemandu feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukar menjadi pemandu feri semula lalu terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feri itu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maaf dari emak saya. Dia menghulurkan tangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emak saya masih marah. Dia menyendengkan helikopternya dan mengerat tangan pemandu lori itu dengan kipas helikopter. Pemandu lori itu menjerit “Adoi..!” dan jatuh ke bumi. Emak say menghantar helikopter itu ke Genting Highlands.

Bila dia balik ke tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannya sambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Pemandu lori itu tidak dapat menjawab sebab emak saya cakap orang putih. Lalu pemandu lori itu mati. Tidak lama kemudian kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang kemalangan ngeri itu. Semua anggota polis di pejabat polis itu terperanjat lalu mati. Orang ramai mengerumuni tempat kejadian kerana ingin mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Polis yang bertugas cuba menyuraikan orang ramai lalu dia menjerit menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati.

Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi yang akan mati. Di pasar, emak saya menceritakan kejadian itu kepada penjual daging. Penjual daging dan peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang mendengar cerita itu semuanya terkejut dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami pun mati. Itulah kemalangan yang paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat sebelum saya mati.

credits to Afiq Raya

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

neither to brag nor show off

while doing my preperation in UKM, i.e 'kursus intensif bahasa arab' ,
ATM (not automated teller machine btw) held this essay writing competition for anak2 Angkatan Tentera Malaysia. So i told myself, "WHY NOT?". I wasn't doing anything at that time anyway.

Besides, the thing is with these essay competitions is, that not a lot of people bother, yet alone give a damn. so besides the name (competition), there's usually not much (competition).

tajuk dia lebey kurang cani >>peranan remaja dalam mewarisi tampuk kepimpinan negara'.... yes it was in BM. My sister Maryam Aliah who was to sit her UPSR (she got 5A's btw... so proud!) also submitted an essay. we both won! .click here She got 1st for her category, I got 2nd... huhu...

pikir balik, rugi x buat betul2.. i didn't put my full effort in it... huhu... apa2 pun syukur dpt jugak prize money dia... rm700!... result competition keluar when i was here... So prize money tu bagi je kat Abi.
But kinda x fair. Semua category prize money dia sama : 1st place RM1000, 2nd RM700, 3rd RM500. Peringkat UPSR dgn SPM, totally different. They sould 'up sikit' the prize money in accordance to the age of the participants. I mean, a 12 year-olds don't need rm1000! 18 year-olds do (betul ke?) but yeah, you get my point.... or is it me just getting jealous?

It's also true for many things.
ex: Exams, study sikit je lagi boleh score. but they say let bygones be bygones. no use sulking on the past.

the moral>> alang2 celuk pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan

Monday, February 16, 2009

look at the greener grass

"Remember ALLAH and you will find HIM before you; Keep your acquaintance with ALLAH in times of ease and HE will acknowledge you in times of difficulty.

And know that what does not come to you was NOT DESTINED FOR YOU, and that what is destined for you can never miss you

And know that help (from ALLAH) comes with patience and that there is relief with hardship and that with the difficulty comes ease (hadith tarmizi)

N.B : Look on the bright side in every exam. Jgn tengok how many mistakes you've made, but tengok how many questions yang ALLAH dah tolong kita jawab dengan betul

di 'copy past' dari blog Akh Anas

Sunday, February 15, 2009

the thought just struck me...

In truth, I've been wanting to write 'bout this thought that just struck me suddenly one day...
it was about a month ago that it did.... here's the thought...

"I've gone through PMR, brapa text book ntah aku khatam,
then there was SPM, lagi bnyk buku text yang khatam...

now I'm in Univesity, and I'm going through the same routine....
But through my 18 years of life, countless exams...... I haven't once finished reading the translation of the Quran" and life is an exam in itself is it not? of far greater significance than all of the above put together!.....

And once i started............well, let's just say it left it's impact on me...
so if you're muslim, try reading the translation of the Quran. you'll be glad you did. I was.

Don't know 'bout you... but for me malu sial kalo kat akhirat nt kita ckap kat ALLAH kita nak masuk syurga, tapi quran yang dia turunkan kita x penah baca terjemahannya smpai habis walau sekali pun.......... /O_o\
... tidak!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

just for the sake of it...

been a week since i updated...
so just for the sake of it... here it is...
anybody guess why? huhu....

Friday, February 6, 2009

kenangku dalam doamu

todays Friday, 6th of February...
My final exams, 1st Semester are before the corner...
here's the schedule ...

9/2 > Biochemistry
12/2 > Anatomy
16/2 >Physiology
19/2 >Pharmacology
23/2 > Community Medicine
28/2 > Histology
3/3 > Terminology

tolong doakan saya.... tenqiu2!

still don't wanna boikot?

watch this

still don't wanna boikot?!

credits to Akh Basyir

Desperate students

just like the title says... this post is about

> Desperate Students <
scroll down and you'll see what i mean.....



i got this from a forwarded e-mail i received...
couldn't help myself from posting it...
lawak gila...
i mean ya Allah, I'm still laughing
number 4.. siyes x leyh belah

Monday, February 2, 2009

Brainstorm >> 4

You met this girl... and asked her age...

instead of giving a straight forward aswer, she smiled and said cryptically:

"The day before yesterday I was 22,
but next year I'll be 25."

What is her birthday and when was the date of our conversation?

antara riya' dan ikhlas

just read this post from
laman blog salman maskuri

here's a link to the post

Riya' menurut Quran, Sunnah dan Ulama

Ayuh bermuhasabah diri masing2