So it stay dormant in my hard drive... until the day before yesterday... ntah, tetiba tergerak hati nak dengar nasyid lak... I emptied my playlist, and loaded it with all the songs from the folder... best pulak!... knapa aku x dgr nasyid selama ni!.... huhu... listening to nasyid leaves you feeling, ntah lah... how d'you say it.... Tranquil , Serene... benarlah Qal ALLAHu Ta'ala fi kitab al-Aziz
'.....ala bizikrILLAH tatmainnalQulub" '.....dgn mengingati ALLAH, tenanglah hati'
-ar-ro'du, 28-
Bila buat comparison, listening to contemporary songs, it leaves you feeling empty inside... waktu dgr tu mmg layan, but mcm xde apa... opposed to hearing nasyid, the many messages, tersurat tersirat yang nak disampaikan, terusik hati kecil saya....
We all know we're composed of several components i.e Physical, Spiritual, Mental... they all needs maintenance, and sustenance....
Physically, food (balanced btw) for sustenance, excercise (futsal, netball, jogging etc) for maintanence
Spiritually, tazkirah (all forms, advice from friends, nasyid, ) for sustenance, amal (zikir, Quran, solat etc.) for maintenance
Mentally, ilmu (baik duniawi/ukhrawi) for sustenance, thinking (sudoku/chess/ my brainstorms...hehe etc.) for maintenance
>setiap satu di atas punyai haknya, tunaikanlah haknya... jgn lah kita menjadi zalim kepada badan dengan depriving it from food... apa kurangnya hati, jgn zalim kpadanya.... Fikiran, jgn zalim kepadanya! .....
talking about 'hak' here's a few simple analogies...
1>A labourer, who has worked his but off, when pay day arrives, he deserves his salary right? it's his right!... tidakkah zalim untuk tidak memberikannya kepadanya?
2>A single mother, who raised, fed, diaper-changed, taught, and cared for her baby... when the baby grows up... tidakkah Zalim kalau tidak membalas budi walau sedikit?... I mean, if it wasn't for mother, he'd be a nobody (literally)
3>God, who created the world in which Adam was to live, who would procreate and bring about our parents, who would bring about us... and when we came to existence, gave us air, food, health, sight, hearing....etc. (nikmat ALLAH tidak terkira).... tidak Zalimkah kita, tidak bersyukur sedikitpun di atas kurnianya itu serta tidak menuruti perintahnya. Apatah lagi membuat maksiat dan kemungkaran? Even worse, denying his Existance! (na'uzubillah min zalik)
saya CABAR DIRI SAYA DAN JUGA ANDA supaya tidak berlaku zalim, baik kepada ALLAH, diri, rakan, keluarga.... tunaikanlah hak setiap daripada mereka...
Go2 Caiyo, Ganbate kudasai, ijtihad wala taksal, Yallah, apa lagi bubuh....
wah, jauh gak menyimpang, back to what i was talking about, still haven't finished the folder yet... still progressing... now i see what the fuss is about, a few of my friends dulu fanatic gila 'bout nasyid... now i know why....
my few of my favourites so far...
Sami yusuf, Outlandish, native deen... inTeam, Hijjaz, UNIC, Raihan tu xyah sebut rr...
there was this song that i found very catchy
Pizza in his pocket - Zain Bhikha
baru ko tau bes lagu2 nasyid aku!
sorry man! huhu
jom ramai...ramai....ate...ate..ate and ate.....aduh macam mana nak kurus hehe
pizza in his pocket!!
rindu gle..!!
we used to sing dis song aloud (me n my siblings dat is) back at home..
so don't be like rahman...
who ate and ate and ate!!
wah.. bestnya kecik2 dah tau lagu ni... orang baru je tau pasal lagu ni... nak nyanyi dgn riang pun dah besar, nt orang kata apa pulak... huhu... sian Rahman, x pasal2 kena...
try la dgr dawud wharnsby ali.
about muhammad, what did i do today.
really nice songs.
thanks for sharing... I'll look it up
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