Friday, May 29, 2009

Patah Tangan? wudhuk cane?

Peace be upon y'all, Assalamualaikum...

Today i felt like sharing what i got in 'Tafaqquh fiideen'... kelas yang agak versatile dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Pelajar2 Perubatan Mesir (PERUBATAN)... kelas ni merangkumi aqidah, feqah, hadith dan kitab2 masyhur...

a nurse applying a plaster cast on a patient

Have you ever had a fracture?... and your hand/leg needed to be placed in a 'plaster cast'?... i once fractured my 5th Metacarpal in form 5, time trial pulak tu... i had a plaster cast all the way up to my elbow... neway that's not what i wanna talk 'bout here...

The question is, in such a case how do you do ablution if your hand is in plaster casing?...

first things first... most us us follow imam Syafi'ie, right?... according to Imam Syafi'ie, there are certain conditions to be met, requires a combination of both wudhuk and then tayamum untuk ganti anggota wudhuk yang x leh kena air, and then solat perlu ganti bila dah buka balutan... but i don't want to elaborate on that, coz it's somewhat complicated...

it is much easier to follow Imam Malik,

1 - take wudhuk cam biasa,
2 - anggota yang dalam simen tu just sapu ,
3 - x perlu tayamum,
4 - solat sah
5 - x perlu ganti

N.B - but since ikut mazhab maliki, wudhuk kena ikut mazhab Maliki juga .... i.e ... time sapu kepala, kena sapu seluruh kepala depan ke belakang... (kalo wudhuk mazhab syafi'ie sapu sebahagian kepala je)

don't hesitate to discuss/ask...

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