Once upon a time, Qassim decided to bring his son and his donkey on a journey. he let his son ride the donkey. He went on foot. When they got to the bridge exiting the village, a few villagers who were fishing there said:
"APALAH, anak x mengenang budi. ada ke patut bagi ayah jalan. the father should be on the donkey"
so, his son got down and Qassim got on the donkey. they continued their journey. when they got to the next village, they herd a villlager there say:
"APALAH, ada ke patutu bagi anak jalan. sebagai bapa kita harus utamakan anak. let your son ride the donkey"
so Qassim got back on and his son walked the rest of the way. they continued their journey.
they arrived at an open feild. they met sheppard and he said:
"I know, my son should be riding the donkey, rite?"
Qassim pun ke'tension'an. he told his son to get on the donkey with him too. amik, pueh hati, dua-dua naik. lpas ni xde siapa leh tegur. "let's enjoy this journey".....man.... did he speak too soon.
mereka beselisih pula ngan pengembara lain.
"APALAH, menyeksa binatang. zalim betul. x kesian ke?. keldai punya kecik dua orang naik"
so they both got off and both of them continued their journey on foot. entering the next village, ada sorang pengemis nih pula cakap:
"APALAH, ada keldai x nak guna. kufur nikmat. baik bagi aku. aku nak makan pun susah"
SO, dengar pendapat orang tu bagus, tapi pendapat orang ni berbeza2. kalo main ikut je orang x jalan hidup kita. kita kena fikir, jgn main ikut je. nak puaskan hati semua orang susah. tapi jgn pula egoistic, dia je yang betul, orang lain tegur x boleh.
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